"Beau Jest" Wraps Moonlight's Winter Season Well
Words by Kristen Fogle
James Sherman's "Beau Jest" is going strong some 22 years later; now Moonlight Stage Productions (at the Avo Playhouse) present the classic comedy with flair for San Diego audiences.
The premise of "Beau" is deceivingly simple...it all starts with Sarah's secret. Though her parents, Abe and Miriam, think she has stopped seeing Chris, whom they disapprove of because he is not Jewish, she has, in fact, maintained the relationship. In order to throw them off the scent, and so her mother will stop trying to set her up all the time, Sara, a Chicago school teacher, hires Bob, a male escort, to play the part of her new boyfriend. Bob, however, doesn't know that he's here to fabricate the role of made up beau, (whose name is David); he thinks he's just being hired to take Sara out...much like the little old lady he took to the opera the night before! The kicker is that though "David" is, Bob is not Jewish (despite a last name that seems to suggest the contrary). As Bob fumbles his way through traditional Jewish meals with her parents and brother Joel, Sara starts to develop feelings for Bob...But what to do about Chris? And her parents...even though they technically already know Bob, they'll never approve of him being a non-Jew! When Sara announces that her and "David" are engaged, things get even more interesting!
One thing I will say for this script is though it is rather amusing, its characters are a bit one dimensional and even a bit dim in places, especially Bob. All of his Jewish knowledge comes from plays. He only knows of one real medical condition. He loves Sara and opera...that's about it. Meanwhile, Joel never becomes anything more than the psychiatrist, Chris is just the desperate boyfriend, Miriam the naggy wife. Abe really just boils down to being the cantacorous dry cleaning chain owner. Sara is probably the most complex, though her disastrous plans and various attempts to make "David" seem like her boyfriend are a bit disjointed from her persona as a semi-serious, very together kindergarten teacher.
But, it is the sort of ludicrous comedy where this is merely an observation and is certainly a complaint for the playwright, not the cast. Even if the characters have been reduced to caricatures in places, these are played out by an extraordinary ensemble. Randall Dodge plays likable Bob, who laughably plunders through each encounter with the family, and portrays an adorable sincerity in his dealings with Sara. Dana Fares' plays neurotic Sara well; Adam Oliveras, as Chris, though his part is brief, does a commendable job; and Cris O'Bryon delivers with the persnickety, though level headed, Joel. The best one liners may come from Jill Drexler (Miriam) and Eric Poppick (Abe) whose exchanges are hilarious and make us believe they really have been married for many years. Christopher Williams, Artistic Director of the newly formed Oceanside Theatre Company, directs.
Fans of the show have probably seen the 2008 movie adaptation, but a trip to the Avo is in order to see this dynamic ensemble. (Fans of Moonlight should check out "Legally Blonde" in June at the Amphitheater.)
"Beau Jest"
Avo Playhouse
303 Main Street
Vista, CA 92084
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